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Chronology of Cometan

Written by Astronist Institution

Edited by the Journal of Astronic History

Last updated: JAN. 12, 2020

Not to be confused with the incumbency of Cometan.

A chronology of Cometan aims to establish a timeline for the events of the life of Cometan, often intertwined with the events surrounding the formation and subsequent establishment and dissemination of Astronism.

The chronology of Cometan and the chronology of Astronism were intertwined with one another, especially so during the founding of the latter. The very early history of Astronism is unsurprisingly linked to the life of Cometan hence Cometanic chronology exists alongside Astronist chronology during the founder's lifetime.

As made distinct from the incumbency of Cometan which only deals with the figure's public ministry, Cometanic chronology encompasses Cometan's private life both before and during his public life.

Timeline of Cometan's life

Pre-Astronist years (birth, childhood, and early adolescence)






  • Cometan's family moved to 6 New Street in the town of Eccleston with his family.



  • Cometan moved to Brooklands, Quaker Brook Lane, the home of Cometan's maternal grandparents, Bill and Hilda Warbrick, with his mother and older sister.



  • Cometan moved to 10 Maple Drive with his mother, father, and older sister, Lucia Richardson.
  • Cometan went missing, his parents thought he had gone out the backdoor and that he had been kidnapped. Cometan had pulled down a blind by accident and thought that his mother might shout at him. The police were called and even a helicopter was sent out to find him. He had hidden inside a box and one of the policemen found him.




  • Cometan's parents confirmed their separated after months of tempestuousness in the relationship.



  • Cometan's father left 10 Maple Drive after Cometan's agreed to a settlement.


  • Cometan was introduced to Julian Counsell, his mother's new partner, for the first time.



  • Julian Counsell moved into 10 Maple Drive with Cometan, his mother, and his older sister, Lucia.



  • Cometan's younger brother, Kent Taylorian was born Kent Taylor on 17th July.
  • Cometan's sister, Zara Taylorian, was born Zara Taylor on 17th July as the twin of Kent.



  • Cometan's youngest sibling, Edie Taylorian, was born Edie Taylor on 27th February.
  • Cometan's paternal grandfather, Derrick Taylor, died on 26th November.



  • Cometan moved to 160 Cop Lane on 12th June with his mother, stepfather, and younger sister, Charlotte, in June.


  • Cometan's mother, Louise Counsell, married Julian Counsell on 10th September during a holiday to Naples, Florida in the United States.

The Year of The Gift (2013)


  • Cometan's fifteenth birthday took place on 1st July during which he received his first revelation and ideation which lead to the creation of Jesse Millette, the development of Astronism, and heralded the era that later become known as The Founding of Astronism.

The Year of Ignorance (2014)

The Year of Enlightenment (2015)


  • Cometan's paternal grandmother, Irene Taylor, died on 16th October.

The Year of Expansion (2016)


  • The Dedication of Cometan occurred on 1st July, his eighteenth birthday.
  • Cometan's mother took him on a trip to London celebrate her son turning eighteen.
  • Cometan graduated from Cardinal Newman College with three A levels.



  • Cometan and his grandparents travelled to London for a short trip to attend a show at the Royal Albert Hall during which Cometan experienced a series of revelations and ideations about his future, the Millettarian characters, and a myriad of Astronist beliefs, terms, and concepts.


  • Cometan founded The Social Sorcerer Company to become a multi-functioning marketing agency that would later function as the marketing machine for both the Astronist religion and the Spacefaring World franchise.

The Year of Consolidation (2017)


  • Cometan began working at the stately home and historic house of Hoghton Tower in the village of Hoghton just outside the city of Preston.



  • Cometan's relationship began with Liana Tiratsuyan (known as Cosma in Astronism), an Armenian student living in Yerevan, on 11th February, which would become the first long-term relationship for them both.


  • Cometan travelled to Beijing, China on University of Central Lancashire's Journey to the East programme from 7th to 14th April where he first met Heastward and Mai Kaijian and where he first experienced Chinese religion and philosophy in person sparking numerous ideations and revelations thereafter.


  • Cometan was in his very first magazine article for the magazine Lancashire & North West on 6th May speaking about Astronism and the Jesse Millette character and books.
  • On 19th May, Cometan's maternal grandparents, Bill and Hilda Warbrick, celebrated their 60th Diamond Wedding Anniversary as they were married on 19th May 1958.

The Year of Prolifics (2018)


  • Cometan celebrated his 20th birthday. However, this birthday celebration was of particular significance as his mother and father were coming together for the first time since their separation. Cometan later remarked of the enormity of the event for him as their only son and how, after years of bitterness and Cometan feeling stuck in the middle, the events of the past can be put to rest.


  • Heastward came to visit Cometan in England where they shared a picture together in front of Hoghton Tower.


  • Cometan organised the first astronomical event at Hoghton Tower on Sunday 11th November called Stargazing at the Tower.


  • Cometan's new music teacher admitted to the young composer that he had lost all of the work that had been entrusted to him after months of Cometan asking for the work back. Cometan left the music school that he had been training at for three years and did not return. The trauma of losing all his work caused him to take a break from his compositional works.
  • On 15th December, at Zvartnots International Airport in Yerevan, Armenia, Cometan and Cosma met for the first time in person after almost a year of long-distance communication. They spent a historical week together upon which Cometan would write about love for the first time and formed the beginnings of Cometanic love, Cometan's specific approach to the topic of romance and relationships. It was also during this trip that the now iconic photo titled Cometan at Tsitsernakaberd which pictured the philosopher looking up at the Armenian genocide memorial.


  • Cometan visited Belvoir Castle and met Her Grace, The Duchess of Rutland.
  • Cosma came to England to visit Cometan for the second time and to meet his parents. They shared many pictures together during her two week long trip and it marked a milestone in their relationship.


  • Cometan celebrated his twenty-first birthday at the stately home of Hoghton Tower with a lavish party which his friends and family attended. His party was documented in local newspapers and received its own magazine article in the Lancashire & North West magazine.

The Year of Completion (2019)


  • Cometan celebrated on the day of his twenty-first birthday by going with his mother to Manchester, specifically to The Ivy Spinningfields.
  • Cometan graduated the University of Central Lancashire on Monday 15th July with a first class honours degree in Business and Marketing along with a placement on the Dean's List and an award called the CMPR Divisional Prize for Best Project.


  • Cometan travelled to Hong Kong to visit Heastward and Mai Kaijian from 24th August to 1st September. It was during this trip that Heastward secured his prominence within Astronism for translating many titles and words, most notably Tiānwénjiào.


  • Cometan separated from his girlfriend, Liana Tiratsuyan, on Thursday 5th September, thus ending their over one and a half year long relationship.
  • Cometan began his masters degree in Religion, Culture & Society at the University of Central Lancashire on Monday 16th September.

The Year of Manifestation (2020)

Keywords and linked resources

See also

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Astronism by country


Key components

Main beliefs

Main practices

Ethics and lifestyle


Classification and history

Forms of Astronism

Other elements

Additional information

This article was written by a working staff member with editorial powers within the Astronist Institution. The accuracy, validity and integrity of the contents of this article is supervised by working members of the Journal of Astronic History which is the academic journal appointed responsibilities of scholarship for the discipline of study to which the subject of this article is associated.

To learn more about the Journal of Astronic History, click here.

This and all other articles on are subject to the copyright provisions of the Astronist Institution. © 2020 Astronist Institution. All rights reserved.


Learn more about copyright here.

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Existences of the Astronic cosmology

Astronist practices

 Governance of Astronism

Figures of Astronism

Disciplines of Astronism

Canon of Astronism

Main Astronist concepts and beliefs

Part of a series on


Devotional (Devotology)

General forms

Cosmic Devotion · Mutual devotion · Cosmomancy · Astrolatry · Astromancy


Specific forms

Retination · Stardance · Starsleeping · 

Astrophotography · Astronomical commemoration

Physical and mental

Astration · Astromeditation · Cosmopiry

Revelatory, intellectual and philosophic

Personal inspiration · Indrucy · Astrologue

 · Debatation


Extollatory (Extollogy)
Extollation · Celestification · Cometanisation


Activities (Occurrology)





Intosy · Panosy

Public, sopharial or phrontisterial

Astronomy tourism · Cosmogosy · Phrontistas 

· Starball · Philosophic tourism · Sempition · 

Orreration · Holographic show

Festivals and events
Starlight Festival (Stellara · Kintana · The Starlight Council) · Starlight social · Astrofair · Astroprom 

· Stargazing · Starguild · Starparty · Theatrosy


Either individual, private or public

Astronomical observation · Astrocrafts · 

Astroexercise · Starbathing · Moonbathing · 

Stardown · Starjam · Starnight · Starwalk · 

Sungrazing · Philosophers' camp


Related terms


The Vendox is the most well known symbol of Astronism.

Forms of Astronism

Geography of Astronism

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